6 Ways Your Subconscious Mind Speaks to You and what it’s telling you…

Laura Gevanter
3 min readFeb 9, 2024


Thanks to Freud our subconscious mind often gets a bad rap. He viewed it as a dark, scary place where all of your past trauma and negative patterns are stored. He was only partially right. Your subconscious mind is the warehouse for everything you have experienced and witnessed in your life. It is literally like a computer that has been programmed beginning in the third trimester (yup, in your mom’s belly!) till around the age of 7. Here’s the difference, it’s completely neutral. We just give meaning to things being good or bad. In fact, your subconscious mind can be your best friend if you know how to work with it by imprinting new information and listening to what it is saying when it is speaking to you. I have identified 6 ways your subconscious mind does just that…

  1. You feel stress in your body when you think of or witness something you experienced in your past.

> You are getting triggered whenever you think of or are in that situation again because your subconscious has attached an emotion to the event and perceives it as happening in the present.

2. You say an affirmation and feel neutral or bad.

> Your subconscious hasn’t been programmed for this or you have past experience to the contrary, so you don’t believe it. It doesn’t energetically resonate in your body as truth.

3. You set out to accomplish a goal and keep experiencing obstacles.

> You have self-doubt, beliefs of being an imposter, fear of failure or other self-limiting beliefs based on past experience or programming. The subconscious always aims to match the outer (your life experience) with the inner (your thoughts and beliefs). If you have a belief you won’t be good at something, your subconscious will prove you correct.

4. You try to change a behavior or habit and are not successful.

> It can be one or two reasons or a combination of both. 1) You are only engaging the conscious mind to make a change (which is active only about 5% of the time) or 2) There is a secondary gain/benefit you are receiving by not changing this behavior. For example: You are trying to spend less money on luxury or unnecessary items but buying them makes you feel abundant.

5. You develop an illness or unexplained pain somewhere in your body.

> When emotions get trapped in the body due to trauma or suppression, the body will try to get your attention in various ways in order to release them and move through the body. Illness and pain usually develop over time as this blocked energy is stagnant.

6. You keep repeating patterns that are not healthy or beneficial to you.

> Even though a behavior might not be healthy for you, it can be what you are used to and are comfortable with. If you find yourself in abusive relationships, for example, you most likely experienced some sort of abuse as a child so this is normal, acceptable and even comfortable for you as your subconscious was programmed to experience this as what “love” looks like.

So, by reframing how we view the subconscious mind and take efforts to shift our unhealthy or non-useful programming, it can be a valuable tool that consistently gives us feedback on it’s inner workings in creating our outer life experience.



Laura Gevanter

Creator of S.E.T (Subconscious Energy Transformation) Method. PSYCH-K & Emotion Code, Coach. I help you change your mind (literally). lauragevanter.com